Mural for Hurley at Wahoo's in Costa Mesa
We finished the mural at Wahoo's in Laguna Beach California.
This was the second mural of the week done with Jason Maloney for Hurley...
They came out awesome.Thanks to Jason,Hurley,and Wahoo's for the tofu burritos.
This Bigfoot is on a mission to get in the water. -
Mural for Hurley at Wahoo's in Laguna Beach CA
Another small part of an adventure with Jason Maloney for Hurley.
Mural for Hurley at Wahoo's in Costa Mesa
Here's another photo of the finished piece.This mural is about 15' x 60' so its hard to
get the whole piece in one photo.The king of the sea King Neptune Bigfoot.
I think the Bigfoots hide in the ocean,At least underground underneath the ocean floor
in a never ending network of tunnels and lairs. -
Tuesday November 3rd 2009
Me and Jason Maloney are almost done with our mural at Wahoo's in Costa Mesa..
it's been about 15 hours on it so far.I painted some funny looking koi fish in the piece today,,but the main part of the mural is my King Neptune vs. Jason's octopus....
We're pretty psyched on it so far...wahoo's is pretty cool....they got tofu burritos, and the place is plastered with stickers and skate decks,some are vintage.